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Woolz Image Processing  Version 1.7.5
WlzBasisFnTransformVertices - applies a basis function to vertices.
WlzBasisFnTransformVertices [-o<out object>] [-p<tie points file>]
                            [-m<min mesh dist>] [-M<max mesh dist>]
                            [-t<basis fn transform>] [-Y<order of polynomial>]
                            [-g] [-h] [-q] [-Q] [-s] [-y] [-B] [-D] [-G]
                            [-L] [-T] [<in object>]
-o Output vertices file name.
-p Tie point file.
-v Vertex file.
-c Use conformal polynomial basis function if tie points are given.
-g Use Gaussian basis function if tie points are given.
-h Help, prints usage message.
-q Use multi-quadric basis function if tie points are given.
-Q Use inverse-multi-quadric basis function if tie points are given.
-s Use thin plate spline basis function (default) if tie points are given.
-y Use polynomianl basis function if tie points are given.
-Y Polynomial order for oolynomianl basis function (default 3).
Computes and applies Woolz basis function transforms. Tie points may be read from an ascii file with the format:
  <vertex x> <vertex y> <displacement x> <displacement y>
WlzBasisFnTransformVertices -o outVertices.dat -p points.tie -v vertices.dat
A thin plate spline basis function transform is computed from the tie points read from the file points.tie. This transform is then applied to the vertices read from vertices.dat. The resulting vertices are then written to outVertices.dat.
See Also
WlzIntro(1) WlzBasisFnTransformObj(1) WlzBasisFnTransformVertexI(3) WlzBasisFnTransformVertexF(3) WlzBasisFnTransformVertexD(3)